Hurra Hurra – ein Designpodcast der BURG

Hurra Hurra – ein Designpodcast der BURG


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00:00:00: Burg Studentinnen treffen auf spannende Persönlichkeiten im Rahmen der Bauhaus Radius TV Box.

00:00:13: Music.

00:00:24: So hello everybody welcome to our special Podcast Edition where hurra hurra mietbare study rooms.

00:00:31: Drohendes additions we talk to the fine people participating Dragon the bare study rooms.

00:00:37: Andys Bauhaus Sättigungsphase November have been taking place online train the first week end of December.

00:00:43: Design research within architecture dressed to this year 7 happy Ted.

00:00:49: Mein Name ist Verena and I'm currently studying designofplayingandlearning Fensterbau TLF Burg Giebichenstein Halle.

00:00:56: Android now I'm sitting in our little pop up Studio bega-bad nervous because I'm a very special guest with me.

00:01:03: Esther Designer in Albatros Aqua hair resetera denissa Kollerová.

00:01:08: She lives and works in Amsterdam where she graduated von Gerrit Rietveld Akademie in 2013er Grafikdesigner.

00:01:16: Anfahrt amorcito part in the design research program at Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.

00:01:21: Android Debugger study rooms without creating the exhibition concrete for the other half.

00:01:27: Zitate water ongoing research and so do we in this podcast hello Denisa bitte have you here.

00:01:35: Hallo Werner XML gleich heute bedeutet Escort Cabrio.

00:01:41: I can see you by the others cant so maybe you can tell us where are you right now.

00:01:46: Schlimmster sitting in Dessau in der Bauhaus building an der deutsch-pole in der current exhibition which I mentioned bekommt Isolierbecher auch der einzige bin der mit der Maus Bett,

00:02:01: Erding,

00:02:02: sei es der Werkreihe all die Menschen die Resort maybe I can tell the audience with about it with the topic in how you came across with it.

00:02:13: Elektronikausfall TSI Menschen mit Josef Albers Minecraft Version projecting Vitalakademie into 1000 acting and I get it together with nothing and we became interested in a

00:02:28: zeig mir Handbetrieb

00:02:30: Amsterdam cityscape and the time we were there were the days my da

00:02:43: Gebäude Theresa Stuck installiert du überhaupt an deinen Namen in 2016

00:02:50: unser Gebäude mehr quer durch den tollbag Bereich continued Servicepoint zu Ristorante ganz also checked,

00:02:58: antworte dir find out any research,

00:03:06: Vorträge Design Thinking in 1 DFB Heim Display Element of specific length ständig Kontakt mit deinem Programm max-beckmann-straße Dresden,

00:03:21: ich bin hauptsächlich like the look like content in contemporary,

00:03:27: Setting der EVB sounding Design change hat angefangen sich zu denken sind.

00:03:37: Arbeit ist auch bei ganterwinkel place for the new structures that we belong to us today sokotherm Katalog.

00:03:49: Fest angestellt Dinger Auto von Eckregal und dann wunderst du dich angesteckt,

00:04:00: rounded and don't understand the contemporary review of the play of the game.

00:04:07: Angry bear Design ist er ja in hualde Designer ist auf die SPD.

00:04:13: I would like to know a little bit more about your College the philosophy behandelt zu maybe you can put it in the historical context the design in the fifties vom Aldo van Eyck.

00:04:26: How came that he he Design delman what was his idea about it.

00:04:32: Ja ich finde das toll goes like really into the actor with period when the Amsterdam was going through the development and women kodiaq Obermoser she was working voll gemein ist die Palette Amsterdam and the bold.

00:04:46: Inntal Tochter parks and recreation area Zwanzigern Inci basically observing ein Bild schicken wo der perfekte Rindfleisch Autoverleih widersteh auch selbst jumping on street

00:05:01: Mittag heringsfisch über die kittyplays ist oder.

00:05:10: Anicura membership and therefore Freiheitsplatz,

00:05:15: bitte das i wanted to credit Spotify entschieden Schokolade von 1 % von 2,

00:05:24: schalte the best wann SM Experiment YouTube zu die seine Frau Strecker Experiment Entfernung the project natural to scale of the one hundred in Amsterdam etwas schon,

00:05:37: ninetysixty tree ersetzt alte würde festlegen zu nineteen seventy.

00:05:43: Sound Problem hat everybody knows i love on Ice Playgrounds maybe you can describe the the the the way the structure and what sort of materials is in what sort of shape so that we can imagine that.

00:05:56: Irene Nikodem himself to shop imagination and ist oder wie man Teenager,

00:06:05: Kirgistan because the best Design-Elemente is possible,

00:06:15: Wände Kalken imagine himself.

00:06:18: Ich bin keine place that can take place

00:06:30: Alkohol bei Migros Öffnungszeiten in shape wenn der Tumbling Bars und die Flugpreise.

00:06:37: Anwender ein bisschen Komposition sorry und in der St. Peter und St. Peter Riesling

00:06:43: begleitungsperson Initialen kleinwendern the Awakening shapes of the jungle

00:06:52: genau so beste whitewash City of London underground.

00:07:00: Bestimmt nicht Autokonfiguration Tauris Goethe die Unitrac machen

00:07:09: Janin das sind die tablenotes Touristeninformation IT auf deutsch Objekt.

00:07:18: Affenbabys humble Streetfighter bei Corregidor Street furniture that you see this is the way they are awesome Arthritis cityscape rain-etting.

00:07:28: CoD bo2 light-duty the material it use it like a concrete and aluminium they they go very naturally with because the environment around them

00:07:39: Deckel DVD Kosovo,

00:07:44: entschuldige ich keine play ganz Fallout Generation die Kaserne necessarily chaosflo Spacey sehr gut zu wissen wolltest du ein brudi dafür alles tut es auch nicht besser aber die geht jetzt voll,

00:07:57: judging by the public spaces in the sun and the,

00:08:03: rapräger und Zubehör bei multiplicity of meanings wir können understanding wendig und Perspektive Patricks Day.

00:08:13: Sorry I'm already mentioned the topic about

00:08:16: Vendetta become Community soll play the role in the way they alle von Eike sein Display ground so what is the role of parents are what is the role of parents in this designed

00:08:29: bei Brauns bei Alter von Mike Dimension

00:08:35: seitdem sich die tribute völlig anderes Posten biertempel Experiment Mentos in the front of the house of jakobermauer,

00:08:43: but also up-to-date düsseldorf-amsterdam in der for parents bedeutet ua Profil ganz in der Nähe Bocholt me2be bedeutet.

00:08:56: Wecker Anzeigen LED TV Leica News in the city of Amsterdam

00:09:01: die keine königliche Videos.

00:09:13: Playground 2 key to the very much are handsome and coach von the city ein ausuferndes Sediment.

00:09:19: Banklady in Kontoauszüge Babymäuse,

00:09:26: ach, was noch Zeit applications activate Panda und Location Tracker.

00:09:42: So anzusprechen bleibt also dein Wohnzimmerfenster und bringt den David ganz.

00:09:51: Wer ist ernst der question weil i would also would like to know if on the playground itself the way of structural.

00:09:58: So in das that I have a good overview of or they invited to play with them together I had like this and that are quite Pixel day public and fit in as well.

00:10:08: MDF endlich observational barbetta topic.

00:10:12: Ja dass manche Menschen Bürodesign Fallout in Ration Sunday that means the Table Bay shipping kommt sie denn das keltische aubeterre distinct eine Maus unter der unter 1200 Shopping Queen.

00:10:27: Breitling Asteroiden in Adolf Hitler Nintendo Beweise ciao Folge schauen ist Regina sein

00:10:34: alles in einem großen Design Benziner sollten keine Konfiguration in der nähe bei Kinderprogramm bezahlt oder marderkot the view the hole.

00:10:46: Play area where the Charles Prince of Ecobike supervised watch out in this way,

00:10:54: Perspektive Bayern das war mein Schatz versteckt watching the old Kids aus wie ein Francis way of designing so that you work it do you know anything about art.

00:11:10: Alten Audi TT Service A3 quattro Sasson in Kontakt she mentioned that I want to play

00:11:20: Mexico and play on the grand Sound Autoverleiher observed.

00:11:26: Halt schon in you the background of the design them with many of the design elements the event Adapter

00:11:36: BAUHAUS schon in Juda modern industrial design

00:11:47: Elektron an der Stute children are basically Jumping von manchen anderen primitiven aus zeitungsdesign bitte ciao in User Experience Marketing Jumping stone.

00:11:58: Ja

00:12:01: There were as far as understand we have like mainly three different parts which are very recognizable for man vor Alter von Aigues playground Service the samples

00:12:12: the bags and that's the jumping Stones it's this Aluminium Gymnastik element is there anything I like girl

00:12:20: Zweirad winner something like this

00:12:24: Adobe InDesign any element that would be in the moment like it I wanted to move around the Atlantic

00:12:35: nothing Michael Swing WhatsApp Design bei Autoverleih Medikament Bedienung menschenwasser,

00:12:45: climbing mountain which is the Moscato element that consist of androxus warm concrete and Germany with magic.

00:12:58: To exercise an keine Wirkung zu viel Vorschau the city that climbing a mountain top Server die versteckte Angebot,

00:13:09: Tier entfernen Toilette bitte

00:13:12: Intersport Wanninger

00:13:22: RheinEnergie Kundencenter hieß Konfiguration dr Johansson Emstal.

00:13:31: Wetter in relation to data and design es war bis vor der Tür Audi TT concept.

00:13:39: And can I give the imagination how different parts are related to each other and the scale of this the von playground or other or quite different or is there something you can find on every,

00:13:53: playground.

00:13:55: Welche durch Definition change in terms of a display rounds look like the others texten.

00:14:07: Alice Programm in Internet interventions and the city,

00:14:17: zerfallsreaktion auf designen Konfiguration to that for old men without unique in sensatec oder race.

00:14:25: C200 individuelle bet88 world one in the playground and more in the new urban areas of Amsterdam,

00:14:34: the player Angehörige decade Übersetzung for Cannabis Qualität hntv.

00:14:44: Tote im Wannsee new kommt dass ich schon vor Ort sein?

00:14:55: Danke also du die Elbe zusteigen kann man Interviews im Ausland wegen beigesetzt wiko Jerry Lee Julie tupler technique

00:15:08: offene Beträge an inkludierte Sandwich

00:15:12: ein Loch in Spalte designing mit russischen in das Sandwich Toast bei den Erwerb russischen Lied innocent dirt bike

00:15:20: always Offset Edith somewhere in the invitation to the Replays alle elements

00:15:27: Yvonne Weber zu trace for the Schießweste before that there is the death and the role of thinking and more Doris Xperia and reading Sonos play the role in this

00:15:38: industriedemontage play Amanda original Wiener Komposition.

00:15:43: You already mentioned beginning that the death of a nice design award seven 100 playground in the city where are they gonna know what happened to know days.

00:15:57: Exotische Zalando reasons why we are dreaming of wild Atlantic way because without being replaced,

00:16:06: an evening are you when you're doing in 2013 wann ist alte du behindert sind dabei glaubst du wohl, publication by the end of the Jedi Soundtrack.

00:16:18: Beleidigte Replay and friends activity,

00:16:27: with me want to find out why is this happening there being the PlayStore demolished sorry continue the research and we often discovered that it has to tomorrow when the safety regulations der gleichen Champion,

00:16:41: measure of the distance between one bye bye

00:16:46: annaplay Element mein Tablet Vergleich zu Hause andere gleich an dement mit starken und,

00:16:55: Kolonko Disney Shirt this is often the reason for display kannst du gewinnen Auto

00:17:07: fängt jetzt an of the playground of Außenhandelspolitik cheated on the heritage the devil in the other remote because we.

00:17:17: Imagine that I would disappear all together.

00:17:25: Intakt Irmgard Insel Berliner Original Form.

00:17:29: Design because sometimes there is only one element replace database without wearing.

00:17:38: Erika der Talisman way of replacing sehr kompliziert man nicht.

00:17:43: Das sollten wir dann tun,

00:17:48: babyplast als activalue PTB kazachenko consent

00:17:54: vom Alter von iPad hängt der Willi days Timberlake Tickets Fantasy is because they have like this minimalistic Web designing women and soul the kids have a lot of freedom to do what I want in this kind of playground think this is,

00:18:07: außer very important when it comes to design and playground,

00:18:14: Werner typescript if you like if you think about the playground when does the next schließteil what would you say what is what makes the playground the playground.

00:18:25: SMS kosten often think about it in terms of it.

00:18:33: Timer Reset Autofokus europäischen object by changing the meaning any objects in the street Cape

00:18:42: entweder App Service Service ist keine Vorschau,

00:18:48: das teilte gegen so it can be as Daisy gesagt,

00:18:53: Bad Aibling in the city center there is a little bit different and the following is already capable of appropriating Dead Space in England in games of the spacebar imagination.

00:19:07: In any type of location belegliste 2 guns in my head install so solid eine backpackerin,

00:19:19: bitte keine Rückkehr auf die dahin und dann wird er das?

00:19:26: Aber sexy One rein oder asking myself Cam xlayer playground be really Design torque and play be designed because everything I listen to when it comes to playground ist in Mittweida.

00:19:39: Adolf perspective building spaces for playing for kids so that they be all that I can be saved because,

00:19:48: Maus parents a way that they play somewhere in the witness in the free play stop while I mentioned in the playground nowadays they can you really Design,

00:20:00: playball playground.

00:20:02: Wherever you can design a Musiker Baker.

00:20:10: Tatort sautiertes setup for when happens that you have to designing the thing you can give me.

00:20:23: Total pillow Talk it on game and administration.

00:20:34: How much I do actually because maybe it's something Lesben the designers Pingui hat zu tun werdet Definition Ammersbek.

00:20:50: Apotheke in area to play guitar notes from your sorrow the desire to do something and anything object that thing that for every Designer Toranzahl,

00:21:02: Vertigo BEST OF in der Wildnis.

00:21:07: Albumname never don't think of any other new fashion designer architect alt ist.

00:21:13: Altona hotelschool The Walking Dead

00:21:17: wenn man Buddhist say how important is the role of the Kid in the designing process Birkis von mir locket nowadays Playgrounds

00:21:26: ein Samsung Set Befehl in Datei vergöttert in sexy for kids and I like a lot of imagination.

00:21:33: CMOS shit in your opinion Kids be integrated in the designing process.

00:21:41: I think it's the fun they need for compensation vigilance in terms of the week.

00:21:48: Having a conversation about wurde play Gaming zusammen in the imagine,

00:21:53: klengantv 1 und 100 BX Fernsehinterview Workshops Gildenmeister August 1963

00:22:02: i think I definitely,

00:22:04: zierfischbörse NRW.

00:22:16: Woher bekommt! Mit Show Handy gerade irgendeine think about Indigo sekündiger Inspiron courses to understand what is special Samin zuzusenden Schönau in Bad Saulgau solide research on,

00:22:30: weitermachen observation in Hamburg Entschädigung streetscape observation Intercity Hamburg in 19Zoll tiefsinnige Stelton,

00:22:42: er wird schick mal Bild mit schönen Compilation video editing,

00:22:50: Fehlercode ist Soziologie.

00:23:02: Ja absolut legria Mini Rohrdimension Let's Play Fans nowadays looks with different than Aldo van Eyck xdisplay concert experience by observing nowadays playground what's the difference.

00:23:17: Oder oder Cosima observations ist offen.

00:23:22: Zeige jetzt auch Austritt every in every Brownie needs for live Tracking.

00:23:31: Lade IV going on auf dem Investition absolute values play Element ID just the way they did they find new ways of.

00:23:42: Amazon chosen by design & venting new ways to play with m

00:23:48: MRB leider Bedenken auf how much time do you spend on which type of Germany sing off the machine learning to fly,

00:24:01: Bescheid Zweifel bitte an den Andreas Boldt in der Look von Radioaktivität Comeback.

00:24:09: Design Elemente du trägst mnt running to survive.

00:24:16: Webcam Los Angeles time in der Independence Hall iFixit Hammer stehen Ihnen so Schweiz mit Auto chillen auf play games mit einer Illusion

00:24:26: so einen schmitz-rode baut Hammerstein schönes pena Nieto Moment in one day how do you see the appetite cheats.

00:24:37: In meine kannst du mit hier real what's your experience with this situation to explain right now

00:24:44: mein Fernseh z-plastik ist present in the design software lamento / 3 kommt Plastik origin einrichten

00:24:58: keiner von den Menschen nur mit DJ Desue spreading of the day and I feel like I am not really training George Interview,

00:25:08: Fenchel Experiment dürft nicht von surface Unity3D.

00:25:14: Touching auch nicht schmutzig richtige Wahl Screens einbauen also mit Dekorationen durch Sport.

00:25:22: Da da die kommt gleich da.

00:25:27: Dass du noch nicht auf und auf der Stinker ist ein touching and understanding the freigabecode X3 manchmal interdesign Entstehung.

00:25:38: Think maybe this using plastic in WhatsApp wild Sorcerer

00:25:44: ja Resort auf dem Essen Motor se distingue was deshalb Fondation quiet cityroomz quiet exactly they say that.

00:25:56: Der TUI

00:25:57: we mostly oder we build more than the perspective of efficiency electric sheep and dirty and soul that's why play around look back like plastic House that what forever and Intrada the walking with what are whatever.

00:26:12: Ja

00:26:13: Radiogutscheine country-by-country ja auszukennen natürlich klein der ist komplett gratis Zürich because the materiality changes aus auch schon ganz wie du kannst übers wollte use.

00:26:25: Ja das bringst mit Hirn other questions or do you have any good example for nowadays Playgrounds.

00:26:31: Ich will ein Haltestelle Leimkraut my story The Walking Berlin because the experience.

00:26:40: What unschuldig im Regal sind die Prominenten European City hair and anywhere all that you're my soul to the city,

00:26:50: also in Berlin jetzt gerade divers typology of playground.

00:26:55: And außer von Trägern trägerlos LITECRAFT like you need of Education der die Daumen das Geld eingegangen

00:27:04: in the neighborhood weißnebel wird Community Nintendo Switch im Bett bei dir kein organisieren walking in Berlin

00:27:13: so I wasn't able to identify Autoleasing Berlin Battle morgen ist keine Community Krieger unbedingt in Scandinavia.

00:27:26: iOS because by integrating the designs of the rounds.

00:27:31: Es werde ich bei dir auf die Seite autonation in deinem Alter Bridge

00:27:36: E-Roller Getränkemarkt regalado ok-tegernsee autonation einen würde ich so Pizza dangerous wo der absolvierte der liest Katalog Tiger 3.

00:27:49: Von der companies mal Finnland ich habe deinem Store America German companies in der Physik Wien.

00:27:58: Worldwide spread Shanghai Invaders Repeater montunato.

00:28:05: Kenne Jefferson Amenti Nation und es ja gleich bei uns Menschen bleibt bei Katalog Playgrounds Auto der look like.

00:28:14: Eröffnung wild Girls und keiner würdigt Melike bei Karlsruhe.

00:28:19: Repercussions of the world of the datamatic intenso.

00:28:26: Und dann deinen Systematik daraus aber richtig kriegen Quali sometimes sometimes it's just like zum Karneval.

00:28:41: Industrial factory settings and Einsitzer Setting aufbauen

00:28:46: Heidenau der offenen bei Göppingen keine Bauhaus ist offene Haus mit dem keiner die schon kabelcode in den Kleid.

00:28:56: Ändern welches Element Ergotherapie Imagination describe how you should play.

00:29:07: Er wird dabei scheint entscheidet einen sonnigen und das Ding wieder sehr wichtig denn ich konnte niemand mit dir gesendet wurden,

00:29:18: regierungsautos Kerl zusammen singen kann keine Wernigerode Tipps also tauschen zu zweit Leipzig,

00:29:26: eben ist ESET ADO ADO The purge and you don't know what it is first lady from the top von the thing you could see that is something that when you're next Tweet.

00:29:36: Allein beschränkt Edith Autoverkäufer new generation Eisen III Kataloge lassen.

00:29:42: Animals inside is the Justin Dominik dann.

00:29:48: Dennis Schütze tanabata Zwischenkriegszeit ein Haus aussieht auch nicht geliked.

00:29:56: Wir auch so in die Ferien Schule zu haben.

00:29:59: Ja mei erkennt alegrie without that you can you name some Inspiron designers who are doing good work in this field.

00:30:08: Ja ja als Single sein ohne die Menschen monstruo de the one.

00:30:13: Bilder alte Menschen die alles alte sexy wanted to look up because I don't know more by halt making some interesting research recently in Portugal Ende.

00:30:28: Design studios golden boxing Box ist in dem Metallplatte Klingel.

00:30:36: Thailand es Auto von Eigentumsoption,

00:30:41: materiality in diese aminium bars indoor Dermedis Theo,

00:30:46: Arizona Instagram ins golden boxing Box ist eine Invasion Eintragung new designers and alt ist Ashley doch mal so alt ist.

00:30:56: Design for children in Eckernförde video.

00:31:05: Anja gleich Kalorien kleinere specific Designer Ortsverwaltung auszuweiten ONE auf Barbie girl.

00:31:15: Companydepot du bist super doing something new and evolutionary in that means.

00:31:20: Okay das habe ich will die Götterwelt definitely let them up as we have this degree designofplayingandlearning many of students hier

00:31:30: i thinking about how to design playground so maybe do you have an advice for STR what we have to think of,

00:31:39: meine comes to design and paper.

00:31:42: Reifengrößen raus und er würde seine Prägung Meuschau driving to look for inspiration Vollgas maybe you have to go sometimes.

00:31:52: Altona essen tue.

00:31:56: Tui Albatros Amigo 2431 Soundtrack Entscheidung.

00:32:03: Anders dein hiyoko Translate.

00:32:06: Alle altwaren sind die beiderseitigen geht's weiterentwickelte Player sind alt Installation auf den Gewinn in die Spam.

00:32:16: Somehow got you make it approachable and useful to you and I think it's a great way to go.

00:32:23: Alexander Schinke Salat auf Need for compressing Bildschirm Todesanzeige aus oder an zugibt.

00:32:32: Voracity Anime Soundtrack what is bankasi wedding date.

00:32:45: Think like thinking about Girl pretty much is very important and what does Skilltree Studios entwickelt error adding the caravan anthozoa depressiv.

00:32:57: Object bei den Christian und dann Saskia ein Auto haben als Base.

00:33:02: In between elements und das Angeln sind dann zu Hause gewiss dann geholt Auto von einem Kleid attention to es war.

00:33:09: Oder sogar dann durch Student Restaurant lot so yes to the space around man and the big wide wide vorhin.

00:33:18: Hangover 2 Transe und für deine Eltern hast du keine Zeit

00:33:26: Reifen Feser Action really great advisors thank you very much when I think about my child o' tired of the say that expirations really important Silben erkennen,

00:33:37: go on the something about something and the skype jejumi Menschen vom Alter von Eick West mountain das kann man sonst really interesting to me.

00:33:47: WhatsApp Henkelmann Design Thinking Rasterbrille Inspiron Importeur giving me on the others to to play bounce and your research.

00:33:57: Ns österreichischer very well that it's the very necessary to pack for.

00:34:03: For everybody likes citizens and designers and architects in research and kids as well.

00:34:09: Your demons and your Instagram account the magic and others before we and the city view where people can get some more information about your research and all the walking mentioned.

00:34:22: Ja echt schon die halbe Webseite der Venetica revitana verlängern code,

00:34:28: zeig mir webseite von Amsterdam,

00:34:40: CoD booking Kontakt hast schuldig webseite rehab Zementindustrie ganz andere Map Mod contemporary landscape of the ground all around.

00:34:51: Adresse BERN spielt im Moment soyana Kontakt Meeting,

00:34:59: der war auf der great thank you very much the visa for being part of this podcast take care.

00:35:09: Banking einmal Trainer TuS Neuss.

00:35:17: Burg Studentinnen treffen auf spannende Persönlichkeiten im Rahmen der Bauhaus Darius Gersau.

00:35:26: Music.