Hurra Hurra x Bauhaus with Aida Herrera Peña
A Hurra Hurra podcast special in cooperation with the Bauhaus Study Rooms 2020: How can we use performative design practices in the field of Design Research? Can this be a source of knowledge? In this Episode of Hurra Hurra featuring the Bauhaus Study Rooms Wayra Aguilar, a student from Burg Halle and Aida Herrera Peña talk about Aidas work as a Design Researcher. The performance “checking/ browsing” is developed by Aida in collaboration with Vivien Tauchmann and presented at this year's Bauhaus Studyrooms.
#bauhaustudyrooms #designresearch #performance
Aida Herrera Peña is a Designer and a Design Researcher. She is currently exploring performative design practices as a source of knowledge production from the perspective of a Colombian industrial designer with a background in dance and performative arts. She studied at Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano in Colombia and completed her masters program at Bauhaus Foundation Dessau, Hochschule Anhalt and Humboldt University in Berlin this Year. In her master thesis “On Performativity and Design” she analyses the difference between Performance, Performativity and Performativ and talks about the “Self-as-other-Trainings” by Vivien Tauchmann in her case study.